The Endless Tube Program
An endless tube is our dream 🌊 but unfortunately these aren't the kinds of tubes we're talkin' about. Plastic tubes never end so what's a better way to take advantage of their endlessness than to start a program where you can send us your empty tubes?! We can clean and sanitize them, and reuse them over and over again. This includes the little deodorant safety cap when you first open your tube. Send us 5 of your empty Natural Deodorant tubes and we'll send you one for free! But you don't have to send us 5 for them to be reused - send us however many you have and we'll make sure they don't end up in a landfill. All you have to do is send your tubes to:
SIN-MIN. Attn: Endless Tube
4517 Market St, Ste 8, Ventura, CA 93003
*Only shipments of 5 tubes will receive a free deodorant. We will cover the shipping of the free deodorant to you but we do not cover the cost of tubes shipping to us. We recommend using USPS small parcel shipping as your tubes will be under 16oz and be around $4-5 for shipping.